My list of excuses:
my in-laws were in town
it was Easter
I'm still breastfeeding
I didn't go to whole foods, so we have nothing "good" to eat
I need to get organized before I start
I need to make a schedule
I need to join the new gym
I want to wait for the weight loss contest that's coming up
....I could go on.....
I went out of town
the kids were on spring break
the baby has been waking up again in the night and I am tired
its been cold
its been hot (gotta love Michigan... I can use them both!!)
BUT HERE IT IS......the REAL reason is...........
Sooooo you see, if I never start, then there is no failure...BUT that is where I have it totally wrong. Because I am failing everyday that I let myself stay at an unhealthy weight, everyday that I make the wrong food and activity choices, everyday that I put it off just one more "Monday"..... these are shortening my life....taking away experiences I could be having, but instead I am choosing the safe route, the route I am use to...the one that leads me to the couch with some take out all the while watching a weight loss reality show....
I'm the girl who always SAYS she is going to do it, but NEVER DOES.
I think that is what I'm hoping this blog will do... keep me accountable. I also have to understand what I'm wanting to do is a life long process. I can't change my ways for 6 months then go right back to my old habits...otherwise it will be all for nothing. This is a forever commitment and that is SCARY. But its something I have to get over and just DO!!!!!
So as the all wise Yoda says: "Do or do not....there is no try"
Here is a parting pic of me and my babies!!!!