I am a newly 30 something Mom of 3 who has been on a "diet" my whole life. I've been on the rollercoaster long enough and I'm ready to make the life changes that are necessary to succeed.I am close to my highest weight ever after giving birth in January. I decided so many people (especially all you moms out there) can relate to what I am going through, so why not share my story.... Here is my journey! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Excuses, excuses, excuses

So I have been on a bit of a hiatus... I could give you a list of excuses like I have done in the past for why AGAIN....Monday never came....you know what I mean: "I'll start my new diet "Monday". So here it is....

My list of excuses:

my in-laws were in town
it was Easter
I'm still breastfeeding
I didn't go to whole foods, so we have nothing "good" to eat
I need to get organized before I start
I need to make a schedule
I need to join the new gym
I want to wait for the weight loss contest that's coming up
....I could go on.....
I went out of town
the kids were on spring break
the baby has been waking up again in the night and I am tired
its been cold
its been hot (gotta love Michigan... I can use them both!!)
BUT HERE IT IS......the REAL reason is...........


Sooooo you see, if I never start, then there is no failure...BUT that is where I have it totally wrong. Because I am failing everyday that I let myself stay at an unhealthy weight, everyday that I make the wrong food and activity choices, everyday that I put it off just one more "Monday"..... these are shortening my life....taking away experiences I could be having, but instead I am choosing the safe route, the route I am use to...the one that leads me to the couch with some take out all the while watching a weight loss reality show....
I'm the girl who always SAYS she is going to do it, but NEVER DOES.
I think that is what I'm hoping this blog will do... keep me accountable. I also have to understand what I'm wanting to do is a life long process. I can't change my ways for 6 months then go right back to my old habits...otherwise it will be all for nothing. This is a forever commitment and that is SCARY. But its something I have to get over and just DO!!!!!
So as the all wise Yoda says: "Do or do not....there is no try"

Here is a parting pic of me and my babies!!!!

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